The goal of Chinese medicine is to restore and maintain optimal functioning within all organs and systems of the body by restoring the flow of QI through the meridians. Recent biomedical research suggest acupuncture points stimulate the central nervous system releasing neurotransmitters and hormones throughout the body. These hormones produce an opiate like effect by changing the experience of pain in the body or affecting the body's self regulating systems. In addition, Acupuncture affects the pituitary and hypothalamus, both essential glands in the brain, which control and regulate key hormones throughout the body.
The ancient art of cupping has been used throughout Asia for 1000's of years. Cupping is the technique of placing warm glass or bamboo cups with suction on specific acupuncture points on the body. Cupping increase circulation, moves Qi and Blood in the body thereby relieving pain and stress in the body. The cups can cups are used with therapeutic oils and slide along the meridians to relieve pain and relax tight muscles. Cupping is historically known for relieving back and neck pain, muscle stiffness, rheumatism, fatigue and migraines. Cupping is also known to be wonderful at treating respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold, flu, allergies or asthma.
Herbal Medicine is a cornerstone of Chinese Medicine. Herbs have unique properties and the ability to work cohesively in a formula to provide healing. Herbal medicine has the ability to stimulate the body's own restorative processes. Whether herbal medicine is used in conjunction with acupuncture or on its own it is a powerful medicine.
In TCM, herbs are often combined in formulas and given as teas, know as a decoction. This could be considered a very strong tea. herbs are also given in granular form, capsules, or liquid extracts. Chinese herbal formulas are designed to be tonics for Qi, Blood, Yang, or Yin, and can be used to nourish the body back into balance. These formulas are a synergistic combination of herbs that have been found to treat a variety of disorders. These are traditional formulas which have been passed down from generation to generation dating back 1000’s
years. Some of these substances you could find your kitchen, such as ginger, garlic and cinnamon, while others such as chrysanthemum ju hua and peony flowers, are more likely to be found in your garden. others are barks and roots. Some substances which have traditionally been used in formulas such as animal products are no longer used.
What is very important to note about Chinese herbal medicine is the quality of herbs your practitioner is using.
Many of these herbs are indigenous to Asia and not grown in the the US. As such quality control standards are different, because we are using the herbs in a therapeutic dose it is essential to make sure the supplier is testing herbs for any heavy metals, toxicity and and also 3rd party certification GMP certified, in addition to sourcing organic herbs whenever at all possible. I exclusively work with herbal companies that provided the highest quality of the herbs available.
In TCM, herbs are often combined in formulas and given as teas, know as a decoction. This could be considered a very strong tea. herbs are also given in granular form, capsules, or liquid extracts. Chinese herbal formulas are designed to be tonics for Qi, Blood, Yang, or Yin, and can be used to nourish the body back into balance. These formulas are a synergistic combination of herbs that have been found to treat a variety of disorders. These are traditional formulas which have been passed down from generation to generation dating back 1000’s
years. Some of these substances you could find your kitchen, such as ginger, garlic and cinnamon, while others such as chrysanthemum ju hua and peony flowers, are more likely to be found in your garden. others are barks and roots. Some substances which have traditionally been used in formulas such as animal products are no longer used.
What is very important to note about Chinese herbal medicine is the quality of herbs your practitioner is using.
Many of these herbs are indigenous to Asia and not grown in the the US. As such quality control standards are different, because we are using the herbs in a therapeutic dose it is essential to make sure the supplier is testing herbs for any heavy metals, toxicity and and also 3rd party certification GMP certified, in addition to sourcing organic herbs whenever at all possible. I exclusively work with herbal companies that provided the highest quality of the herbs available.
Gua Sha is an ancient practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Historically Gua Sha has been used to relieve "Sha" or stagnation, "pain" along the meridians in the body. Gua sha dates back over 2000 years. It has been used by acupuncturist and is considered part of the scope of Chinese medicine. It has also traditionally been used by countless people in their homes as healing modality. Gua means to scape or rub and Sha refers to blood stagnation in the subcutaneous tissues of the skin. Gua sha is often used in conditions of pain and stagnation in the muscle to alleviate pain. Gua sha tools are made from various stones such as jade and rose quartz in addition to the very traditional bone. Gua sha helps to break down scar tissue and connective tissue, this aiding the movement in the joints. Gua Sha causes light bruising, which often appears as purple or red spots which is referred to as petechiae. The bruises usually take a few days or a week to heal and can be tender while healing. It is super important to cover the area after gua sha and not have it exposed to cold or wind post treatment.
My patients who suffer from chronic neck and shoulder pain so often affecting people find tremendous relief with guan ha coupled with acupuncture treatment. Recent clinical trials have shown that Gua Sha has an immune and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to being used to treat Asthma, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and to treat the symptoms of acute and chronic hepatitis.
Gua sha is also used in Facial rejuvenation to increase circulation and stimulate collagen production in face.
My patients who suffer from chronic neck and shoulder pain so often affecting people find tremendous relief with guan ha coupled with acupuncture treatment. Recent clinical trials have shown that Gua Sha has an immune and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to being used to treat Asthma, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and to treat the symptoms of acute and chronic hepatitis.
Gua sha is also used in Facial rejuvenation to increase circulation and stimulate collagen production in face.
Moxibustion or "Moxa" is the burning of Mugwort, "Artemisia Vulgaris. Mugwort although used in Chinese Medicine is also a very common herb in North America as well. The burning of Mugwort of specific acupuncture points on the body increase blood flow and Qi. Moxa has the ability to expel cold dry dampness in the channels and warm the channels. It can be used for a variety of ailments in the body, such as to tonify qi, Joint pain, boost immunity and gynecological problems. Moxibustion can be used to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of qi, and maintain overall health.There are two types of moxibustion: direct and indirect. In direct moxibustion, a small, cone-shaped amount of moxa is placed on top of an acupuncture point and burned. Direct moxa is also defined by scarring and non-scarring. In Scarring moxibustion, the moxa is placed on an acupuncture point, and stays on the point until it burns out. Non-scarring moxibustion, the moxa is placed on the point but is extinguished or removed before it burns the skin. Patients experience a warming, heating sensation which penetrates deep into the skin, but should not experience any pain for women mona is also very effective at treating menstrual cramps
Indirect moxibustion is used more frequently by practitioners In indirect moxibustion, the practitioner uses a moxa either regular or smokeless, hold it over the acupuncture point until there is a sensation of warmth.
The burning of moxa expels cold and warm the meridians, this leads to increased flow of blood and qi. Moxa has also successfully been used to turn babies that are breech. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 found that up to 75% of women suffering from breech birth had fetuses that rotated to the normal position after receiving moxibustion at UB 67.
Indirect moxibustion is used more frequently by practitioners In indirect moxibustion, the practitioner uses a moxa either regular or smokeless, hold it over the acupuncture point until there is a sensation of warmth.
The burning of moxa expels cold and warm the meridians, this leads to increased flow of blood and qi. Moxa has also successfully been used to turn babies that are breech. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 found that up to 75% of women suffering from breech birth had fetuses that rotated to the normal position after receiving moxibustion at UB 67.
Aromatherapy is the extraction the volatile essential oils compounds from plants. These oils are extracted by using the flowers, barks, twigs, leaves, stems, and roots of a plant and extracting the chemical constituents. Aromatherapy is the pure essence of a plant.
facial rejuvenation
Facial Rejuvenation is the art of using acupuncture for toning and firming the skin. In Facial rejuvenation we use specific acupuncture needles for this process. Wellness and beauty are interchangeable. When we are healthy on the inside this will be visible in our face. In Chinese medicine we actually diagnose imbalances in the body by looking at the face, each area on the face represents a different organ in the body. A lot of my patients are interested in the acupuncture facial rejuvenation, "acupuncture face lift." Is this effective, how long does it take, are the effects lasting?
Acupuncture Facial rejuvenation does work, acupuncture has the ability to work with the muscles in the face and neck and help to lift
and firm the skin, in addition it is promoting the production of collagen which is helping with decreasing the look of fine lines and wrinkles.
It helps with puffiness, dark circles, redness, broken capillaries, we are also working to balance sebaceous secretions, treating oily or dry skin. Acupuncture facial rejuvenation also promotes circulation, brightens the eyes, in addition to an overall improvement in health.
These treatments are done in a series of usually 12 to 15 treatments. Over 6 to 12 weeks depending on your treatment plan.
Do the changes last, yes! You can expect changes to last but we do recommend maintenance treatment to keep it up, either once month or once a season.
Acupuncture Facial rejuvenation does work, acupuncture has the ability to work with the muscles in the face and neck and help to lift
and firm the skin, in addition it is promoting the production of collagen which is helping with decreasing the look of fine lines and wrinkles.
It helps with puffiness, dark circles, redness, broken capillaries, we are also working to balance sebaceous secretions, treating oily or dry skin. Acupuncture facial rejuvenation also promotes circulation, brightens the eyes, in addition to an overall improvement in health.
These treatments are done in a series of usually 12 to 15 treatments. Over 6 to 12 weeks depending on your treatment plan.
Do the changes last, yes! You can expect changes to last but we do recommend maintenance treatment to keep it up, either once month or once a season.
auricular/ nada
Auricular acupuncture is the stimulation of acupuncture points on the external surface of the ear. The ear is a microsystem of the entire body which allows us to treat the entire body through the ear. This microsystem is the same as the brain map discovered by neuroscientists, which found that maps of the entire body exist on the sensory cortex of the brain . This brain map also exists on surfaces of the body, such as the ear. Auricular acupuncture is very effective in treating numerous conditions, from allergies, gynocology, digestive upset to addiction. The NADA protocol developed in the 1970's at Lincoln hospital is known for being very effective in treating detox, recovery and addiction.
Pediatric acupuncture
At Acupuncture Tribeca we specialize in pediatric care. Chinese Medicine can treat everything from the common cold to numerous childhood illnesses. With very young children the use of Shonishin can used which is a non-needle Japanese technique is used. Small tools are used stimulate the points along the meridians. Acupuncture is very effective at treating, Allergies, Colic, Viral infections, ear infections, enuresis (bed wetting), constipation/diarrhea, digestive upset and sleep disturbances. We specialize in adolescent mental health and ADD/ADHD,