WhAT IS ACUPUNCTURE?The ancient art of Traditional Chinese Medicine encompasses Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. It is a comprehensive health system with a continuous clinical history dating back to approximately 3,000 years ago. Acupuncture is the insertion of extremely thin disposable needles, which go just beneath the surface of the skin. Herbal Medicine is the pure natural basis of pharmacology.
The philosophy of Chinese Medicine is based on the flow of "Qi" through 12 major meridians throughout your body. Qi can be thought of as vital life force - it is the energy moving through our bodies, which animates us. When Qi becomes blocked or stagnant, imbalances arise which may lead to disease. CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINETraditional Chinese Medicine has one of the oldest and most complex understandings of herbal formulas in recorded history. Danielle has combined her knowledge and use of western herbs (those indigenous to North America) with Traditional Chinese Medicine by using the best of both traditions. She is able to determine the most effective and safest combination of herbal remedies.
Herbal medicine effectively treats acute disorders such as the common cold or flu, as well as chronic conditions, such as gynecological, autoimmune disorders, allergies, viral disorders and chronic degenerative disease. Herbal formulas are individually formulated for each patient, based on their individual needs. WESTERN HERBAL MEDICINEWestern herbal medicine is the practice of herbs which are indigenous to North America. Western herbal medicine is different from Chinese herbal medicine in that western herbs are often times used as single herbs; whether as a tea, infusion, tincture, or capsule form. These are herbs very well may be growing in your backyard, as what you may call weeds! This could be dandelion, violet, nettles, or mustard greens just to name a few. Western herbal medicine is practiced from a different paradigm than eastern herbal medicine. These herbs are also commonly used as single herb and not necessarily always combined in a formula.
Herbs are taken as teas, which can be as simple as chamomile or red raspberry tea, An herbal infusion which is a strong tea which steeps for hours. Herbs are also used in tincture form, powder or capsule. There are also external applications of herbs such as herbal compresses, salves and sitz baths. Western herbs are often grown in the US, it is usually easier to aquire these herbs organic and or wildcrafted. When we are using herbs in a therapeutic dose it is very important we are getting the highest quality available and note if the herb is organic or wildcrafted. As both a western and eastern herbalist I see enormous benefits to both paradigms and use what is called for based on each individual patient. |
Five Phase Theory |
Five element theory is a way of looking at the universe and its connection our body, by understanding the natural laws of the universe we are then able to understand how they effect our body in time and space.
Five element theory organizes all natural phenomena into 5 groups - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each of these includes a season, geographical direction, internal color, emotion, taste, color, sound, body tissue.
Rooted in the earth we develop from the earth we flourish or struggle from this paradigm . Living in harmony with the earth and seasons will allow our bodies to flourish and living out of balance with the natural environment will lead to imbalance.
Whether you live in the city or the country you can find balance with the natural environment with the foods you eat, herbal protocol you follow and how you nourish your mind and body. In traditional Chinese medicine their is no distinction between the mind and body they are not separate they coexist together, if you treat one you treat the other.
Five element theory organizes all natural phenomena into 5 groups - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each of these includes a season, geographical direction, internal color, emotion, taste, color, sound, body tissue.
Rooted in the earth we develop from the earth we flourish or struggle from this paradigm . Living in harmony with the earth and seasons will allow our bodies to flourish and living out of balance with the natural environment will lead to imbalance.
Whether you live in the city or the country you can find balance with the natural environment with the foods you eat, herbal protocol you follow and how you nourish your mind and body. In traditional Chinese medicine their is no distinction between the mind and body they are not separate they coexist together, if you treat one you treat the other.
WhAT Does acupuncture treat
Musculo-Skeletal Disorders
Back + neck pain, arthritis, tendonitis, carpel tunnel, trauma, frozen shoulder, sciatica, neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia.
Gynecological & Endocrine Disorders
PMS, irregular or painful menses, infertility (women or men), fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrom (PCOS), Peri-menopause, menopausal symptoms
Respiratory Disorders
Allergies, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, flu, colds
Digestive + Urogential Disorders
Indigestion, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel, ulcer, colitis, vomiting, gastritis, sexual dysfunction, urinary tract infection
Ear, Nose + Throat
Headache, migraine, sore throat, dizziness, vertigo, TMJ
Emotional & Psychological
Stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, panic attacks. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Addiction-nicotine, alcohol, drug.
Facial Rejuvenation
Acupuncture can be used to relax and revitalize the skin reducing appearance of wrinkles and the effects of premature aging.
Dental Discomfort
Pre and post operative discomfort, anxiety, stress, TMJ, migraines, cosmetic facial toning
Neurological Disorders
Post stroke, ADD, ADHD, Parkensons, MS
Allergies, digestive upset, bed wetting, anxiety, ADHD,ADD, disturbed sleep,
Weight Loss
Healthy body weight, food craving
Cancer Care
Side effects from chemotherapy, build immunity
Low or weakened immune system, AIDS/HIV, post lymn disease
Back + neck pain, arthritis, tendonitis, carpel tunnel, trauma, frozen shoulder, sciatica, neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia.
Gynecological & Endocrine Disorders
PMS, irregular or painful menses, infertility (women or men), fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrom (PCOS), Peri-menopause, menopausal symptoms
Respiratory Disorders
Allergies, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, flu, colds
Digestive + Urogential Disorders
Indigestion, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel, ulcer, colitis, vomiting, gastritis, sexual dysfunction, urinary tract infection
Ear, Nose + Throat
Headache, migraine, sore throat, dizziness, vertigo, TMJ
Emotional & Psychological
Stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, panic attacks. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Addiction-nicotine, alcohol, drug.
Facial Rejuvenation
Acupuncture can be used to relax and revitalize the skin reducing appearance of wrinkles and the effects of premature aging.
Dental Discomfort
Pre and post operative discomfort, anxiety, stress, TMJ, migraines, cosmetic facial toning
Neurological Disorders
Post stroke, ADD, ADHD, Parkensons, MS
Allergies, digestive upset, bed wetting, anxiety, ADHD,ADD, disturbed sleep,
Weight Loss
Healthy body weight, food craving
Cancer Care
Side effects from chemotherapy, build immunity
Low or weakened immune system, AIDS/HIV, post lymn disease