Dr. Danielle M. solomon L.AC. DACMAcupuncture & Herbal MedicIneDanielle's Solomon's practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine has evolved from over 20 years of experience in the integrative medicine field and a background in environmental science. Dr. Solomon's approach to healing integrates in an age old medicine with modern day advances. This unique system of healing allows her to facilitate each patient's individual healing process.
Danielle is a licensed acupuncturist in both New York and New Jersey and a Board Certified Herbalist. She Graduated from Rutger's University Environmental Science Program and instinctively moved towards Environmental Medicine. She completed her four-year Master's of Science at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, studying both Eastern and Western Medicine. She completed her Doctorate in Chinese Medicine at Pacific College as well. Dr. Solomon has continued to expand her knowledge interning at the Tibetan Hospital for Traditional Chinese Medicine, in Beijing, China with senior acupuncturist Dr. Wang Ju-yi. Danielle specializes in Women's health from puberty to menopause. She uses healing modalities of environmental medicine, eastern and western herbal medicine, functional medicine, gua sha, stone medicine, acupuncture and facial esthetics and integrates these for her patient's well being. |